About Me

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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007

Blog has a Makeover!

I've truly updated my blog. It has a whole new look and I'll eventually get around to taking advantage of all the cool blog stuff available.
I've gone from PhD in Forensics to PhD in Microbiology to PhD in Chemical Engineering. I'm excited about the engineering because I have to do Engineering for Scientists, which I hope will include some math, since I'm so smitten with Numb3rs. I love that show. Love all the elements of that show. Some magazine writers say that they can't stand the title. I think it is perfect. Math is about numbers. You guys got a better title?
As with NCIS, which I love, it looks like we'll never see past the second season of each show, here in SA. Thank god for Amazon.
I still love Queer Eye and the Stargates. Queer Eye changed my life. I have a feeling Queer Eye might not be coming back for new seasons. I can't imagine the world without the Fab 5 together to make Queer Eye. When will we get box sets!?
As for the Stargates. I'm going to the Stargate Con in Vancouver in March this year! I'm so excited. Anyone here in SA interested in having me report back on it?
Also, is there anyone who would tape Queer Eye for me while I'm gone?


I think there should be justice for Surface and Invasion. A mini-series to wrap things up perhaps?