QE Reviews:
Queer Eye for the Red Sox
DVD available at Amazon.com
I’ve got to say that they have quality products. In fact, everything about the Queer Eye franchise is quality. From the show to the CD, DVDs, book, calendars, etc.
This DVD was so well done and I loved how they started off the episode. Very, very clever.
I really like it, because I’m a baseball fan and played baseball and softball until my injuries were too bad to go on. If I had the time, I would like to coach because I absolutely love the sport. It was so cool to see everyone playing baseball. Guess who was the best out of the Fab 5? I’d say Kyan and Ted. I can’t believe Thom throws like a girly man because he’s really strong. He should have the arm for it. Anyway, it looked like so much fun and the Red Sox guys were really good sports about it. The little league kids were so cute and they’re actually good. I mean, they were playing on a major league diamond! It was really so cute and so amazing that the Fab 5, the Red Sox, Dunkin Donuts and BJ Wholesalers (think I’ve got it right) raised enough money to have the little league’s field repaired because it was destroyed by a hurricane. That really is wonderful. I was touched. The music was also great to illustrate when it is emotional and when it’s time for fun.
Kyan couldn’t get enough of holding the ball box to his face and going “Luke, I am your father.” It was funny!
Carson, instead of saying E.S.P.N says “Ess-pin.” Oh, poor Carson but it’s funny. And Carson kept making comments that the kids just did not get. He asks the one kid who needs cleats in a bigger size if he can show him something in a sensible pump and the kid is like huh? And Carson is like never mind. I really loved how Carson is showing them the signs for bunting and stealing (tsjuzing his sleeve) and when he says if he is flicking his hair back, disregard it because it is just him fixing his hair, one kid laughs!
I loved how as soon as they get to the spa, Thom is getting treatments before the Red Sox!
I really liked the Red Sox players and their wives; they have great personalities, and are really hot!
Episode 2.28 Michael Coffino – Dhrama Dad
First Aired in SA: 12 April 2006
Rating: 5
Carson makes a good woman!
The Fab 5 are so good with the baby. The house really did look like a paediatric office. Thom’s idea for giving the baby his own separate space was really amazing.
Ted’s picking up Thom’s speech!
They rip off Jai a lot. OK, mostly Thom teases Jai calling him a cry baby and in his hip tip saying Jai, pick up your toys!
Michael, the straight guy, looked really hot after the Fab 5 were done with him. With the new wardrobe, clean-shaven and with the wonderful Feng Shui haircut based on his chi, he really looked like a different person and so much better. Kyan was really thrilled to be involved with the Chi haircut. Michael is also the best shaver ever!
Carson had a very valid point that shirts today are cut differently than vintage shirts because of our addiction to fast food!
Thom really bought out that entire shop (c.i.t.e.) to do Michael’s place.
I liked Ted’s outfit.
Thom’s idea of claw covers for the cats was a really good idea. I wonder how effective they are in preventing cats from messing up furniture.
I liked that Michael said that the Fab 5 really put thought into everything they do; it’s not some generic process. It is really clear that they do care about what they are doing and for the straight guy, obviously! I also liked the quote Michael used about been ready for this change: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
Thom’s face was so funny while he was listening to Michael sing. I think Michael did a good job.
I liked seen Kyan in scientist gear for his hip tip.
If they think Michael’s diet is problematic, they’d freak if they knew mine!
Kyan: “Ohmigod, he’s a twig.”
Thom: “Would you like to come over for some fruit soup?”
Kyan (about Michael dressing like him): “Dressing like a gay Mormon.”
Michael (about doing karaoke): “I will do it with a zest and verve I reserve for making soup.”
Carson (about good underwear): “Everyone likes a nice basket, even if it’s not Easter.”
Carson (helping Ted with the drinks in the loft): “I’m garnishing, I’m garnishing.”
Kyan (about Michael been the best shaver ever): “Mindful shaving.”
Michael is killing all his prep time doing his hair:
Thom (about Kyan): “Hello, look who he learnt from.”
Kyan: “Hair is important people.”
Thom (about them pointing out that he put the mirror where it is so they can see the baby when they are eating): “I’m so glad that they totally understand I am a genius.” [Can’t deny this; it’s true!]
The baby is throwing out DVDs and CDs:
Thom: “It’s called discipline. Say no to the baby.”
Jai starts throwing books off the table in the loft:
All of them slapping Jai: “No!”
Thom: “Oh, he’s not done. You’re still going.”
Thom (about meditating instead of drinking): “OK, enough of this.”
Thom: “…trip over Toys ‘R us.”
Michael (to Thom): “Does it look like it bothers me?”
Episode 2.27: David Goldman – Conquering the Catwalk
First Aired in SA: 5 April 2006
Rating: 5
The boys were playing with a wet tampon in this episode!
I loved how Kyan jumped up to wash his hands after Jess tells him the Rubik’s Cube has “faecal matter all over it”.
Thom gives a lesson in painting during this episode! So cool to see how he actually works. The paint, the tape, the floors, the little outfits.
Jai’s also quite the decorator.
I think this is the first time I’ve seen Kyan cooking something in the kitchen with Ted and the straight guy.
Carson (about how short David is): “I like to call it ‘Handy take home size’.”
Jai: “Ooh, a red door.”
Carson: “It’s very Elizabeth Arden.”
Kyan: “He makes his own furniture. It’s a problem.”
Carson (about a smell): “It’s like 10 000 locker rooms.”
Jai (holding a huge syringe): “Well, actually, I started my profession as a nurse. But what happened was, along the way, I kept on losing patients.”
Carson: “The hills are alive with the sound of bad footwear.”
Kyan: “It’s a coat hanger dude.”
David: “Don’t belittle me.”
Kyan: “I’m just stating the facts… Then you stand in the shower with the electrical device, which always seems like a good idea… It’s like you’re grooming a poodle. You’re not a poodle dude.”
Carson (love the way he said this): “Because you’re a business partner… You’re the Pra of Prada.”
(About the wall colour): “It looks like a piƱata got run over by a car.”
(About David’s homemade furniture): “This is how you make things? Dude, this is crazy. It’s like stupid.”
(About a painting): “It looks like old pantyhose. Someone got shot.”
(Searching through the fridge): “What do these people eat? Doesn’t look like they eat food.”
(Letting David be gay): “You don’t have to be so mean about it Mr Decorator Thom.”
(About using colours): “…in a way that won’t make your eyes bleed.”
(About using a dragging brush): “Doesn’t mean you have to dress as a woman when you are doing it.”
Carson (about David’s waving): “No, not with a little monkey.”
David about if Jess chooses the colours for their home: “… look like highlighters.”
Hip Tip: “Get a hue.”
Carson: “I feel like Cindefella at the ball… At both of them.”
David: “I’m going to throw up.”
Carson (trying on clothes as well): “Don’t have time to shop.”
Ted mentions that David hasn’t got into the cooking part of his Jewish religion:
David: “Yeah, my rabbi hasn’t taught me any of the cooking.”
Ted: “Nouveau kugel if you will.”
Carson: “I love you more than my Louie.”
Jai: “Trust me, that means a lot.”
Ted: “Thom, I think she either likes it or she’s having a seizure.”
This was the worst straight guy speed shaving I’ve ever seen, and heard! He even spreads some shaving cream on his tongue and tastes it. Kyan says: “What a weirdo.”
Kyan (about David in the jeans): “What an ass.”
Carson: “Those are some good assets.”
Thom: “He actually looks better than anyone I’ve seen.”
Thom (about David): “You little peanut.”
Carson: “They’re the perfect accessory for each other.”
Thom: “Shake it, don’t break it.”
Thom: “You don’t want your home to look like a colour wheel.”
Carson: “Grant me the serenity to read care labels.”