SGA Episode “Coup D’etat”
Episode No.: 217
First Screened in SA: 22 March 2006
Character Episode of: Sheppard
Rating: 5
I liked this episode. It was actually very well written and really very funny. Last week, watching “The Long Goodbye” and seeing Lorne’s hairdo, I thought to myself that Kavan Smith is actually really hot. Then I thought how much I like the character and that the end of the season is approaching and I was thinking, please don’t kill off Lorne, like Grodin! Then this episode starts and you assume that Lorne is the dead crispy critter! I didn’t buy it though. I thought no way would he die like that. I don’t want him to die! Even though this is a Martin Gero episode, I did not buy that Lorne dies. Also, last week I was thinking that the main characters really need something fresh about them. I loved that Torri and Rachel got new costumes. Rachel’s outfit was particularly beautiful. And the best part, just in case you’re watching this episode and you see a bunch of guys raiding a place and you wonder who are the leading men in this series, look for the guys with the bright yellow eye wear!
I was glad to have another Genii story and hear what they are up to. I like the Ladon character. I also don’t think the Cowen character will be missed but I do hope that Kolya will be back! But what a way to go, and the Atlantis team could have been left by Ladon to suffer the same fate: you see a bright light and then you’re nuked. Lovely.
I had to laugh at the reward posters. I was almost expecting something out of a Western, not some glossy photo. Which world has that technology? Anyway, you realize something is going on when you see the picture of Lorne but it was really funny when Teyla whips out the pictures of John and Rodney and then things get serious!
Why are there surgery scenes in this show lately?
Reference Episodes: The Storm, The Eye, The Brotherhood.
Weir: “Good thinking.”
Sheppard: “Could have been Mensa.”
Sheppard (to Lorne in the prison cell): “Major.” (To the other men) “Boys.”
Lorne: “Colonel.”
Sheppard: “Way to be alive.”
Lorne: “Thanks, sir. So, have you come to rescue us?”
Sheppard: “Well, until about a moment ago I thought you were dead, but now that I see you speaking and breathing, yeah, I'm thinkin' about it.”
Lorne: “Well, good! Let me know if there's anything we can do to help, huh?”
Sheppard: “What do you want with the Jumpers?”
Cowen: “What do I want with invisible spaceships that could fly to other worlds and even deliver our atomic weapons?”
Sheppard: “Well, since you put it that way...”
Sheppard: “Drop it.”
Ladon (dropping a small fruit knife): “Alright. Feel safer?”
Sheppard: “A little bit.”
McKay: “One tango, middle of the room. (After John stares at him blankly) What, isn't that right?”
About the wanted list:
Ronan: “Why aren't we on it? Sheppard's on the list; McKay is on the list. Why aren't Teyla and me?”
Weir: “Why, you're feeling left out?”
Ronan: “I just wanna know who thinks I'm not a threat and give ‘em a chance to change their mind.”
McKay: “See how I almost stunned that guy?”
Sheppard: “I must have missed it.”
McKay: “Yeah, but if he was, like, a step to the right, I would've stunned him for sure.”Sheppard: “Good for you!”
McKay: “Well, the Brotherhood stole it from us, Ladon stole it from the Brotherhood. It's not really stealing, it's, um...”
Sheppard: “... recovery!”
McKay: “Well, that was refreshing. He didn't try to kill us even once.”
Sheppard: “Well, if you, uh, wanna contact us, we have a new number.”
McKay: “You know, I'm not sure that you've sufficiently trained me in actual combat. I don't know how much use I'd be in a fight-our-way-out kind of scenario.”
Sheppard: “Well, I look at it this way: the Genii have tried to kidnap you on numerous occasions to mine that big old brain of yours.”
McKay: “Yes.”
Sheppard: “Well, if we get into trouble, I'll just trade your life for mine.”
McKay: “Oh, funny.”
Sheppard: “Don't worry: if you survive, I'll mount some sort of rescue mission ... eventually.”
Ladon: “Kolya often spoke about the Brotherhood of the Fifteen, the last mission you encountered him, no?”
Sheppard: “The last time he tried to kill me, yes.”
Ladon: “He's become obsessed with uniting the galaxy under a single ruler.”
Sheppard: “And that would be him?”
Ladon: “He thinks it's the only chance we have of defeating the Wraith.”
Weir: “Whether the galaxy likes it or not.”
Ladon: “I need about a hundred machine guns, a couple of dozen grenades and any C4 that you have to spare.”
Sheppard: “Sounds like you're havin' a party.”
Sheppard: “Doctor Weir, we have Ladon.”
Weir: “What has he said?”
Sheppard: “Not much, apparently he doesn't like me.”
Weir: “Take him to my office.”
Sheppard: “Your office? Really?”
Ladon: “I'll only talk with Weir.”
Sheppard: “Do I make you nervous?”
Ladon: “Not at all, Major. I'm just not interested in talking to the errand boy.”
Sheppard: “That's Lieutenant Colonel Errand Boy to you.”
Sheppard: “What, no ZPM?”
Ladon: “I sent it to another planet for safekeeping, how stupid do you think I am?”
Sheppard: “What I remember, I gave you a pretty good crack on the head last time we met. So, I was kinda hoping it made you simple.”
Ladon: “No, it didn't, but ever since then I've been plagued with headaches.”
Sheppard: “You're just saying that to be nice.”
McKay: “Look, we all know that eventually the Wraith are going to discover we're still here. Having more power means that we have more options. We might even be able to light up those engines and get the city to fly.”
Sheppard: “Really!”
McKay: “No, but we still need it.”
Weir: “Flying city or not…”
McKay: “A ZPM is a ZPM. Who cares where it comes from?”
Sheppard: “We've already got one.”
McKay: “Yes, one.”
Ronan: “Two is better than one.”
McKay: “And three is better than two.”
Weir: “Why would we want to do business with you?”
Laden: “Because I have defected from the Genii.”
Weir: “Well, good luck with that.”
McKay: “What the hell happened?”
Sheppard: “We got gassed.”
McKay: “Are we in some sort of trouble?”
Sheppard: “Was it the gas or the prison cell that was your first clue?”