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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

SGA "The Tower"

Episode No.: 215
First Aired in SA: 01 March
Character Episode of: Sheppard

What I didn’t like:
I’m starting with what I didn’t like because, for the most part, I didn’t like this episode. “The Tower” has the lowest rating of any second season episode so far, according to gateworld.net. But I’ve got to say that I’m just grateful that my favourite series is still in production. I was surprised to see that something like this came from Stargate connoisseurs Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie. This episode did nothing for the Atlantis mythology and characters, except for the fact that they scored some jumpers and much need drones.

I don’t watch Stargate so that I can see some Machiavellian, psuedo Shakespeare, period pieces with greed, gluttony, and bad manners all around.

I didn’t like that the sister city’s control room and gate area basically looked exactly the same as Atlantis’ except for the bad decorating. However, I loved the other areas of the city: The catacombs that McKay got to explore were cool.

This thing about John getting laid by women with the ancient gene is getting old. Once again, Carson and Elizabeth seemed out of character: Carson locked a guy in the brig during an earthquake, and Elizabeth didn’t seem phased by any of the events! I know the character of Ronan is a killer, but I didn’t expect his neck slashing of the officer. Teyla was basically non-responsive to the decapitation!

Furthermore, I could hardly hear what any team member was saying over their radios.

What I liked:
I have to mention this because I got to notice this, especially since the episode was so boring, that the score by Joel Goldsmith is wonderful.

I was so glad to see Carson!

I don’t know if this was intentional or not, following Grace Under Pressure, but Rodney seemed to take on an important leadership role in this episode and he was behaving better with people. The tour guide seemed to understand Rodney’s personality just fine, which was nice.

Other Comments:
The praying scene was interesting.
Why do none of these civilizations have animals or pets?

Favourite Quotes:

McKay: “Look, uh, Baldric, my trusty local guide, says he knows a way into the underground city. He's not exactly thrilled about going under there but, uh, I think I can talk him into it.”
Beckett: “And what good does that do us?”
McKay: “Well, if I can find the ZPM, then we can shut these people down whenever we want. Without the Drone Chair, they're just a bunch of primitive thugs with axes and knives.”
Beckett: “Axes and knives can cause damage, Rodney.”

Sheppard: “Raising children can be very dangerous.”

McKay: “The ZPM, it's, uh, um ... (He sighs.) Look, you know what?”
Baldric: “I know - never mind.”

Beckett: “I really need to stop making house calls.”

McKay: “Yes, yes, the power of positive thinking. Very good. While you do that, I will rely on my experience and expertise.”
Baldric: “You said you'd never done this before.”
McKay: “General expertise. Will you be quiet while I do this?”

Baldric: “I can't believe that worked!”
McKay: “What happened to positive thinking?”
Baldric: “I lied.”

Rating: 1 ½

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